Discover and benefit from our expertise in microfabrication
Gain a deeper understanding of high-precision additive manufacturing and check the opportunities of our 3D Microfabrication and maskless lithography technologies for your application.
No. 3
Scaling up nano- and microfabrication

Interested in how to streamline the fabrication of advanced nano- and microstructures on an industrial scale? Then discover Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography (2GL ®) and how to ramp up your industrial production by combining prototyping and mastering with well-established replication technologies such as nanoimprint lithography (NIL), micro-injection molding, roll-to-roll printing or hot embossing.
What is the whitepaper about?
Get deeper insights in Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography (2GL ®) as the starting point and key to mass production of state-of-the-art microstructures. Learn about the strengths of this powerful additive manufacturing technology for rapid prototyping and master fabrication in comparison with alternative mastering technologies.
Gain first-hand insights from our partners 3D AG, EV Group and kdg opticomp, proven experts in various well-established replication technologies, on how to best combine prototyping, mastering and replication process steps to ramp up your industrial production of state-of-the-art microstructures.
Table of Contents
- Scaling up nano- and microfabrication
- Mastering by Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography
- Multi-stage process flow
- Micro injection molding
- Nanoimprint lithography
- Applications for mastering and replication
Download this 20-page whitepaper, after a free registration, and obtain a profound overview of how to scale up to mass production by 2GL mastering and replication technologies.
No. 2
Introducing Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography

Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography (2GL ®) is a cost-effective microfabrication technology of 2.5-dimensional topographies for rapid prototyping and industrial master production of microoptics and other micro- and nanostructured functional devices. The new maskless lithography technology combines the strengths of grayscale lithography with the precision and flexibility of Two-Photon Polymerization (2PP).
What is the whitepaper about?
In this whitepaper, you will learn more about the basics and principles in single- and multi-layer fabrication of 2.5-dimensional topographies and benefit from a benchmarking of comparable microfabrication technologies. In addition, the whitepaper introduces the straightforward and reliable workflow as well as the advantages of photoresins as printing materials. Finally, you will find valuable inspirations from applications in prototyping, mastering and industrial processes.
Table of Contents
- Basics and principles
- Benchmarking of comparable microfabrication technologies
- Workflow from design to printed structures
- The essential role of materials
- Applications in prototyping, mastering and industrial processes
Benefit from this 24-page whitepaper. Register for having free access to this in-depth report and further premium resources.
No. 1
Learn more about Two-Photon Polymerization

Two-Photon Polymerization is a technology for 3D printing microscale objects with amazingly fine features down to the submicrometer range. Our whitepaper provides in-depth knowledge of the technology and practical know-how on how to apply this technology to your 3D Microfabrication projects.
What is the whitepaper about?
The whitepaper introduces the basics and principles of Two-Photon Polymerization (2PP) and compares additive manufacturing based on 2PP with other high-precision 3D printing procedures. In addition, you learn more about the workflow and the decisive role of materials in high-precision 3D printing. Finally, the whitepaper illustrates selected applications in research and manufacturing to outline the versatility of our additive manufacturing technology. Here you can get an impression of how high-precision additive manufacturing drives industrial innovation and empowers cutting-edge science in various application fields.
Table of Contents
- Basics and principles
- High-precision 3D printing technologies
- From CAD model to 3D printed object
- The essential role of materials
- Applications in research and manufacturing
Download this 20-page whitepaper, after a free registration, and obtain a profound overview of 3D Microfabrication based on Two-Photon Polymerization.
Free registration for premium resources
Learn more about our microfabrication technologies and application opportunities in our premium resources. Besides whitepapers, in our premium resources section we offer you exclusive data and fact sheets for Nanoscribe printers and photoresins. Moreover, via a keyword-underpinned database you find many scientific publications of our customers in your specific application area. Make use of the tool to gather valuable know-how and background information about various applications. Register for free and benefit from a variety of in-depth information about 3D Microfabrication in our premium resources.