Mechanical microparts with highest precision
With design freedom of 3D printing and high precision of Two-Photon Polymerization, you can fabricate mechanical parts or even micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) with micrometer accuracy. Discover our 3D microfabrication solutions for rapid prototyping and manufacturing of truly high-precision microparts.
Additive manufacturing meets precision for micromechanical parts
3D microfabrication enables you to create complex micromechanical parts with submicron resolution and up to millimeter sizes. Design versatility in 3D is crucial for the fabrication of complex and responsive micromachines, sensors and actuators. Further mechanical parts include springs, gears and connectors, as required in precision mechanics or electronics. Two-Photon Polymerization is a powerful direct fabrication method which is used for rapid prototyping of novel designs. Scientists and engineers employ it to iteratively create innovative 3D structures with varying parameters and without additional costs.
The fabrication of micromechanical parts benefits strongly from the design versatility of our 3D printers and the wide range of printing materials. For example, remotely controlled movable microrobots can be printed from photopolymers, nanoparticle composites and hydrogels. Metal coating can be applied if required. Moreover, microparts can be printed directly on various substrates, even directly onto micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS).
Get inspired by 3D microfabrication artworks

Micromechanics & MEMS
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